"Reverie" original figurative art female nude painting a day

6" x 8" Oil on canvas panel
The idea behind this piece was to materialize the connection between the female and nature and see it in a more apparent form where the personal identity is dissolved in the vastness of the collective unconscious.


Charles Pompilius said...

Hello Mr. Peci,
Your paintings of the figure are very impressive and I am glad that I found your blog.

Daniel Peci said...

Hi Charles, I'm glad my work resonates with you.

David R. Darrow said...

I've been watching your nudes over the years, and have really improved since "way back."

This one is particularly nice.

Daniel Peci said...

Thanks David,
I think my understanding and patience has evolved, I've thrown off a lot of preconceptions about painting.

Kim said...

hi Daniel
your blog is listed at TAD A-C section
Please consider adding a TAD badge/link to your blog ..thank you
cheers Kim

Sven said...

I really like this. Good work on the warm/cool contrast.