Candlelight dancer (female nude study) Art oil painting

5" x 7" Oil on canvas panel
A female nude illuminated with warm lighting, I was going for that candlelight effect here following the motion of the figure.

Urban philosophy - Fine arts Figurative artwork painting

5" x 7" Oil on canvas panel
This painting is a reflection of today's living, how each of us deals differently with the modern reality and how we handle and experience it in a different way, some of us avoid formulaic ways of living and do it their own way.

Recliner (female nude study) Artwork oil painting by the artist

5" x 7" Oil on canvas panel

This pose was more dynamic since it anticipates movement and it created an interesting overall design in the painting, I like how the warm colors in the background worked out against the flesh tones of the reclining female nude.

Away - female nude art gallery painting by Dan Peci

5" x 7" Oil on gessoed panel
When I paint I try to capture a feeling, by the pose of the figure and the gesture of the face, I was going for a sense of melancholy in this one.

Quietude - Art female nude nudes gallery painting

5" x 7" Oil on gessoed panel
I was aiming for a serene image here with the female nude and I kept all the values close to achieve a certain softness in this piece.