Spanish Attitude

"Spanish Attitude" 6.5" x 8" Pastel and Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
Auction starts @ 8.00Pm Pacific Time.
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"Elaine" 6.5" x 7.5" Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
Auction starts @ 8.00Pm Pacific Time.
Charcoal portrait of a Girl wearing a hat laying down.


"Re-Thinking" 6.5" x 9" Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
Auction starts @ 7.45Pm Pacific Time.
How many times have you had to re think one thing over and over again until you've reached a positive result?


"Consolation" 6.5" x 9.5" Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
Auction starts @ 8.00Pm Pacific Time.

The Script

"The Script" 5"x7" Oil on Canvas Panel
The Auction for this painting starts @ 8Pm Pacific Time.

The composition for this piece with a Girl in a chair reading came naturally to me and it's all about color and natural light which is so much richer outside then indoors and the light is in constant shifting movement falling and reflecting on different objects.

The Safe Place

"The Safe Place" 6.5" x 8" Pastel and Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
The Auction for this Drawing starts @ 8.00Pm Pacific Time.

The Philosopher

"The Philosopher" 6.5" x 9" Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
Auction starts @ 7.45Pm Pacific Time.

Center Peach

Still Life composition with a Peach and an Ornamented Plate, I used the peach as the main object in the center of interest and the plate in the back was adding a lot of movement with all the intricate decorations on it.

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"Daylight" 6.5" x 7.5" Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
Auction starts @ 7.45Pm Pacific Time.
This is a new drawing in charcoal that I did and used a different combination of chalks to add more value and dimension to it, quite strong line gestures are used at certain areas to emphasize that particular part even more.


"Cristine" 6.5" x 8" Pastel and Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
Auction starts @ 8.00Pm Pacific Time.

This is the latest female nude fresh off the easel (the french one)it was done in pastel with some accents in charcoal to strenghten the lines and structure of the drawing (I use this combination quite often). Also I should add that I've put many of my paintings on Sale in my Online Store, if you are interested you can access it from here
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"Kristy" 6.5" x 8.5" Pastel and Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
The Auction for this Drawing starts @ 8.00Pm Pacific Time.

The Painter

"The Painter" 5.5" x 5.5" Charcoal on drawing paper, Varnished
The Auction for this Drawing starts @ 7.45Pm Pacific Time.

Let Go

"Let Go" 5" x7" Oil on Canvas Panel
Auction starts @ 8Pm Pacific Time.

The Painting came out directly as an inspiration from the painting process itself, with the constant alterations in color, composition and values that the painter has to deal with all the time, the perpetual process of creation and elimination as a unifiying principle of work, I used the artist's tools here to convey my basic idea into this still life.

Alleyscape #7

"Alleyscape #7" 9" x12" Oil on Canvas

Sunlit Los Angeles Alleyway, the composition is focusing on perspective here and the dark and light play thats formed from the buildings.

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The Red Dress

"The Red Dress" 6.5" x 9" Pastel and Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
The Auction for this Drawing starts @ 8.00Pm Pacific Time.

Portrait of a girl

"Portrait of a girl" 6" x 6" Charcoal on drawing paper, Varnished
The Auction for this Drawing starts @ 7.30Pm Pacific Time.

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"Alex" 13"x9.5" Pastel on "Canson" Paper

This is a portrait of a girl that I did recently, larger then my usuall small pieces, the girl that was posing for the painting was lit from one side and I was trying to capture a certain yearning in her eyes with the head slightly tilted upwards and looking at the direction of the light.

Stairway #2

"Stairway #2" 5" x7" Oil on Canvas Panel
The Auction for this painting starts @ 8Pm Pacific Time.

I'm always looking for places that inspire me, certain buildings, alleys or houses and this one caught my atention with the stairs and the way it was designed, fully lit by the sun and the strict shadows forming rhytm patterns.

Reclining Male Nude

"Reclining Male Nude" 6.5" x 9" Pastel and Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
The Auction for this Drawing starts @ 7.45Pm Pacific Time.

Sweet Slumber

"Sweet Slumber" 6.5" x 7.5" Pastel and Charcoal on "Canson" drawing paper, Varnished
The Auction for this Drawing starts @ 7.45Pm Pacific Time.
Pastel of a female nude, strenghtened with charcoal lines, there's a certain ecstatic feeling about this figure's pose.